Turfe A, Westbrook SR, Lopez SA, Chang SE, & Flagel SB. (2024) The effect of corticosterone on the acquisition of Pavlovian conditioned approach behavior in rats is dependent on sex and vendor. Hormones and Behavior, 164, 105609.
Cues in the environment become predictors of biologically relevant stimuli, such as food, through associative learning. These cues can not only act as predictors but can also be attributed with incentive motivational value and gain control over behavior. When a cue is imbued with incentive salience, it attains the ability to elicit maladaptive behaviors characteristic of psychopathology. We can capture the propensity to attribute incentive salience to a reward cue in rats using a Pavlovian conditioned approach paradigm, in which the presentation of a discrete lever-cue is followed by the delivery of a food reward. Upon learning the cue-reward relationship, some rats, termed sign-trackers, develop a conditioned response directed towards the lever-cue; whereas others, termed goal-trackers, approach the food cup upon lever-cue presentation. Here, we assessed the effects of systemic corticosterone (CORT) on the acquisition and expression of sign- and goal-tracking behaviors in male and female rats, while examining the role of the vendor (Charles River or Taconic) from which the rats originated in these effects. Treatment naïve male and female rats from Charles River had a greater tendency to sign-track than those from Taconic. Administration of CORT enhanced the acquisition of sign-tracking behavior in males from Charles River and females from both vendors. Conversely, administration of CORT had no effect on the expression of the conditioned response. These findings demonstrate a role for CORT in cue-reward learning and suggest that inherent tendencies towards sign- or goal-tracking may interact with this physiological mediator of motivated behavior.
Felix PC & Flagel SB. (2024). Leveraging individual differences in cue-reward learning to investigate the psychological and neural basis of shared psychiatric symptomatology: The sign-tracker/goal-tracker model. Behavioral Neuroscience, Online ahead of print.
In our modern environment, we are bombarded with stimuli or cues that exert significant influence over our actions. The extent to which such cues attain control over or disrupt goal-directed behavior is dependent on several factors, including one's inherent tendencies. Using a rodent model, we have shown that individuals vary in the value they place on stimuli associated with reward. Some individuals, termed "goal-trackers," primarily attribute predictive value to reward cues, whereas others, termed "sign-trackers," attribute predictive and incentive value. Thus, for sign-trackers, the reward cue is transformed into an incentive stimulus that is capable of eliciting maladaptive behaviors. The sign-tracker/goal-tracker animal model has allowed us to refine our understanding of behavioral and computational theories related to reward learning and to parse the underlying neural processes. Further, the neurobehavioral profile of sign-trackers is relevant to several psychiatric disorders, including substance use disorder, impulse control disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, and posttraumatic stress disorder. This model, therefore, can advance our understanding of the psychological and neurobiological mechanisms that contribute to individual differences in vulnerability to psychopathology. Notably, initial attempts at translation-capturing individual variability in the propensity to sign-track in humans-have been promising and in line with what we have learned from the animal model. In this review, we highlight the pivotal role played by the sign-tracker/goal-tracker animal model in enriching our understanding of the psychological and neural basis of motivated behavior and psychiatric symptomatology.
Iglesias AG, Chiu AS, Wong J, Campus P, Li F, Liu ZN, Patel SA, Deisseroth K, Akil H, Burgess CR, & Flagel SB. (2023). Inhibition of dopamine neurons prevents incentive value encoding of a reward cue: With revelations from deep phenotyping. Journal of Neuroscience, 43(44), 7376-7392.
The survival of an organism is dependent on their ability to respond to cues in the environment. Such cues can attain control over behavior as a function of the value ascribed to them. Some individuals have an inherent tendency to attribute reward-paired cues with incentive motivational value, or incentive salience. For these individuals, termed sign-trackers, a discrete cue that precedes reward delivery becomes attractive and desirable in its own right. Prior work suggests that the behavior of sign-trackers is dopamine-dependent, and cue-elicited dopamine in the nucleus accumbens is believed to encode the incentive value of reward cues. Here we exploited the temporal resolution of optogenetics to determine whether selective inhibition of ventral tegmental area (VTA) dopamine neurons during cue presentation attenuates the propensity to sign-track. Using male tyrosine hydroxylase (TH)-Cre Long Evans rats it was found that, under baseline conditions, ∼84% of TH-Cre rats tend to sign-track. Laser-induced inhibition of VTA dopamine neurons during cue presentation prevented the development of sign-tracking behavior, without affecting goal-tracking behavior. When laser inhibition was terminated, these same rats developed a sign-tracking response. Video analysis using DeepLabCut revealed that, relative to rats that received laser inhibition, rats in the control group spent more time near the location of the reward cue even when it was not present and were more likely to orient towards and approach the cue during its presentation. These findings demonstrate that cue-elicited dopamine release is critical for the attribution of incentive salience to reward cues.
Colaizzi JM, Flagel SB, Gearhardt AN, Borowitz MA, Kuplicki R, Zotev V, Clark G, Coronado J, Abbott T, & Paulus MP. (2023). The propensity to sign-track is associated with externalizing behavior and distinct patterns of reward-related brain activation in youth. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 4402.
Externalizing behaviors in childhood often predict impulse control disorders in adulthood; however, the underlying bio-behavioral risk factors are incompletely understood. In animals, the propensity to sign-track, or the degree to which incentive motivational value is attributed to reward cues, is associated with externalizing-type behaviors and deficits in executive control. Using a Pavlovian conditioned approach paradigm, we quantified sign-tracking in 40 healthy 9–12-year-olds. We also measured parent-reported externalizing behaviors and anticipatory neural activations to outcome-predicting cues using the monetary incentive delay fMRI task. Sign-tracking was associated with attentional and inhibitory control deficits and the degree of amygdala, but not cortical, activation during reward anticipation. These findings support the hypothesis that youth with a propensity to sign-track are prone to externalizing tendencies, with an over-reliance on subcortical cue-reactive brain systems. This research highlights sign-tracking as a promising experimental approach delineating the behavioral and neural circuitry of individuals at risk for externalizing disorders.
Vanderschuren LJMJ, Shaham Y, & Flagel SB. (2023). Behavior matters for neuroscience and neuroscience matters for behavior. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 144, 104963.
The study of behavior matters for neuroscience. The main function of the central nervous system is to integrate information from the internal and external environment, and to generate responses that facilitate survival. These adaptive responses are, by definition, both physiological and behavioral. However, maladaptive behavior can also occur, and in humans, such behavior is characteristic of psychiatric illness. Our goal, as behavioral neuroscientists, is to better understand the brain mechanisms underlying adaptive and maladaptive behaviors, and to contribute to the development of novel treatments for brain disorders. To do so effectively, we argue that behavior is critical to understanding brain function and vice versa.
Parsegian A, Garcia-Fuster MJ, Hebda-Bauer E, Watson SJ, Flagel SB, & Akil H. (2022). Adolescent cocaine differentially impacts psychomotor sensitization and epigenetic profiles in adult male rats with divergent affective phenotypes. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 13, 1024617.
Adolescent drug use reliably predicts increased addiction liability in adulthood, but not all individuals are equally impacted. To explore the biological bases of this differential reactivity to early life drug experience, we used a genetic rat model of temperament and evaluated the impact of adolescent cocaine exposure on adult psychomotor sensitization. Relative to adult bred low-responder (bLR) rats, bred high-responders (bHR) are more sensitive to the psychomotor-activating effects of cocaine and reinstate drug-seeking behavior more readily following prolonged cocaine exposure and/or abstinence. We found that a 7-day sensitizing cocaine regimen (15 mg/kg/day) during either adolescence or adulthood produced psychomotor sensitization in bHRs only, while a dual cocaine exposure prevented further sensitization, suggesting limits on neuroplasticity. By contrast, adolescent cocaine in bLRs shifted their resilient phenotype, rendering them more responsive to cocaine in adulthood following adolescent cocaine. To begin to explore the neural correlates of these behavioral phenotypes, we assessed two functionally opposite epigenetic chromatin modifications implicated in addiction liability, permissive acetylation (ac) and repressive tri-methylation (me3) on Histone 3 Lysine 9 (H3K9), in four striatal sub-regions. In bHRs, decreased H3K9me3 and increased acH3K9 in the nucleus accumbens (NAc) core associated with cocaine sensitization. In bLRs, the combination of cocaine exposure in adolescence and adulthood, which lead to an increased response to a cocaine challenge, also increased acH3K9 in the core. Thus, adolescent cocaine experience interacts with genetic background to elicit different behavioral profiles relevant to addiction in adulthood, with concurrent modifications in the epigenetic histone profiles in the NAc that associate with cocaine sensitization and with metaplasticity.
Chang SE, Krueger LD, & Flagel SB. (2022). Investigating individual differences in opioid-taking and opioid-seeking behavior in male rats. Psychopharmacology, 239(4), 1065-1080.
Understanding the behavioral and neurobiological factors that render some individuals more susceptible than others to opioid addiction will be critical in combatting the opioid crisis. The purpose of the current study was to determine if behavioral traits associated with an increased likelihood to take and seek cocaine are the same traits that render one more susceptible to opioid-taking and opioid-seeking behavior. Individual differences in the acquisition of remifentanil self-administration and subsequent cue-induced reinstatement of remifentanil-seeking behavior were investigated using two animal models: the high-responder (HR)/low-responder (LR) and sign-tracker (ST)/goal-tracker (GT) models. Relative to LR rats, HR rats show increased novelty-induced locomotion or “sensation-seeking” behavior, and are more likely to acquire cocaine-taking behavior and do so at a faster rate. Relative to GT rats, ST rats attribute greater incentive motivational value to reward cues and are more likely to exhibit reinstatement of cocaine-seeking behavior. In contrast to previous work using cocaine, we did not observe individual differences with respect to the acquisition of remifentanil self-administration- or cue-induced reinstatement of remifentanil-seeking behavior within the context of either the HR/LR or ST/GT model. Thus, neither the sensation-seeking trait nor the propensity to attribute incentive motivational value to reward cues predicts remifentanil-taking or remifentanil-seeking behavior. These findings suggest that different traits may confer the initiation of opioid- vs. cocaine-taking behavior, and the propensity to relapse to opioid- vs. cocaine-seeking. Additional studies are needed to identify which neurobehavioral constructs confer liability to opioid use and relapse.
Flagel SB. (2022). The paraventricular nucleus of the thalamus and its potential role in psychopathology. Neuropsychopharmacology, 47, 385-386.
The role of the thalamus extends beyond that of a relay station in the brain. The thalamus is comprised of groups of specialized nuclei each with distinct neuroanatomical connections supporting their roles in sensory processing, motor control, and emotional regulation. Given the structural and functional heterogeneity across thalamic nuclei, it is not surprising that, collectively, this brain structure has been implicated in psychiatric disorders, including addiction, depression, and schizophrenia. Although the neuroanatomical resolution of human imaging studies have, to-date, largely limited our ability to elucidate the involvement of specific thalamic nuclei in these disorders, studies emerging from the preclinical literature suggest that the paraventricular nucleus of the thalamus (PVT) is a critical component of the neural pathways underlying these disorders (see [1,2,3]).
Flagel SB, Robinson TE, & Sarter M. (2021). Comment on Pohorala et al.: Sign-tracking as a predictor of addiction vulnerability. Psychopharmacology, 238(9), 2661-2664.
Comments on an article by V. Pohorala et al. (see record 2021-43982-001). The authors examined the relationship between the propensity to attribute incentive salience to reward cues and addiction-like behavior using the 3-criteria model of drug self-administration adapted from and reflective of the criteria for addiction in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSMIV). Briefly, male rats were characterized as goal-trackers (GT), intermediate responders (INT), or signtrackers (ST), based on their Pavlovian conditioned approach (PCA) response to a lever-cue (conditioned stimulus) that predicted liquid reward delivery (unconditioned stimulus). Subsequently, rats underwent 43 daily sessions of cocaine self-administration and were assessed for (1) the persistence of drug-seeking, (2) motivation for cocaine-taking, and (3) resistance to punishment. Correlational analyses indicated no relationship between these three indices of addiction like behavior and Pavlovian conditioned approach behavior, although sign-trackers showed greater resistance to punishment relative to goal-trackers. The authors concluded that “behavior along the continuum of GT, INT, and ST PCA scores may not be a reliable predictor of the onset or severity of cocaine addiction…”, as captured by the 3-criteria model. The purpose of this commentary is to ofer further explanation of these findings regarding the nature of the susceptibility to addiction predicted by the sign-tracking phenotype.
Kuhn BN, Campus P, Klumpner MS, Chang SE, Iglesias AG, & Flagel SB. (2021). Inhibition of a cortico-thalamic circuit attenuates cue-induced reinstatement of drug-seeking behavior in 'relapse prone' male rats. Psychopharmacology (Berl).
Relapse often occurs when individuals are exposed to stimuli or cues previously associated with the drug-taking experience. The ability of drug cues to trigger relapse is believed to be a consequence of incentive salience attribution, a process by which the incentive value of reward is transferred to the reward-paired cue. Sign-tracker (ST) rats that attribute enhanced incentive value to reward cues are more prone to relapse compared to goal-tracker (GT) rats that primarily attribute predictive value to such cues.
Iglesias AG & Flagel SB. The paraventricular thalamus as a critical node of motivated behavior via the hypothalamic-thalamic-striatal circuit. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience,
In this review, we highlight evidence that supports a role for the paraventricular nucleus of the thalamus (PVT) in motivated behavior. We include a neuroanatomical and neurochemical overview, outlining what is known of the cellular makeup of the region and its most prominent afferent and efferent connections. We discuss how these connections and distinctions across the anterior-posterior axis correspond to the perceived function of the PVT. We then focus on the hypothalamic-thalamic-striatal circuit and the neuroanatomical and functional placement of the PVT within this circuit. In this regard, the PVT is ideally positioned to integrate information regarding internal states and the external environment and translate it into motivated actions. Based on data that has emerged in recent years, including that from our laboratory, we posit that orexinergic (OX) innervation from the lateral hypothalamus (LH) to the PVT encodes the incentive motivational value of reward cues and thereby alters the signaling of the glutamatergic neurons projecting from the PVT to the shell of the nucleus accumbens (NAcSh). The PVT-NAcSh pathway then modulates dopamine activity and resultant cue-motivated behaviors. As we and others apply novel tools and approaches to studying the PVT we will continue to refine the anatomical, cellular, and functional definitions currently ascribed to this nucleus and further elucidate its role in motivated behaviors.
Krueger LD, Chang SE, Motoc M, Chojecki M, Freeman ZT, & Flagel SB. (2021). Effects of pair housing on patency of jugular catheters in rats (Rattus norvegicus). Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science, 60(3):357-364.
Chronic vascular access devices are widely used in a variety of species for repeated blood sampling or substance administration. Jugular catheters are commonly used for studying addiction-related behaviors in rats. Rats with catheters have historically been individually housed for the duration of the study to prevent cage mates from damaging the catheter. The 2 goals of this study were to determine 1) the effects of pair housing on catheter patency and 2) the effects of pair housing on catheter patency of rats in a study of opioid self-administration and cue-induced reinstatement of opioid-seeking behavior. The latter study also represented an opportunity for experimental refinement as it evaluated the temporary use of a barrier that allowed for pair-housed rats to be physically separated. Male Heterogeneous Stock (HS; n = 24) and Sprague–Dawley (SD; n = 121) rats were allocated to either single- or pair-housed condition. To assess the effect of social housing on catheter patency, rats (HS, n = 24; SD, n = 36) were monitored in their assigned housing condition for one month, with scheduled evaluation of catheter patency and structural damage. To examine the effect of social housing on catheter patency during a study of opioid self-administration and cue-induced reinstatement of opioid-seeking behavior, rats (SD, n = 85) were monitored in their assigned housing condition with similar routine patency evaluations. Catheter patency rates between single- and pairhoused rats were not statistically different in the first experiment, and pair-housed animals were successfully maintained on an infusion study in the second experiment. The use of a barrier between pair-housed rats after surgery allowed continued social contact with no observed adverse effects. These results suggest that, pair housing is a viable option for rats with chronic vascular implants, and may improve their wellbeing by allowing them to display species-typical social behaviors.
Lopez SA, Mubarak E, Yang C, Parsegian A, Klumpner M, Campus P, & Flagel SB. (2021). Male goal-tracker and sign-tracker rats do not differ in neuroendocrine or behavioral measures of stress reactivity. eNeuro. 8 (3) ENEURO.0384-20.2021.
Environmental cues attain the ability to guide behavior via learned associations. As predictors, cues can elicit adaptive behavior and lead to valuable resources (e.g., food). For some individuals, however, cues are transformed into incentive stimuli and elicit motivational states that can be maladaptive. The goal-tracker (GT)/sign-tracker (ST) animal model captures individual differences in cue-motivated behaviors, with reward-associated cues serving as predictors of reward for both phenotypes but becoming incentive stimuli to a greater degree for STs. While these distinct phenotypes are characterized based on Pavlovian conditioned approach (PavCA) behavior, they exhibit differences on a number of behaviors relevant to psychopathology. To further characterize the neurobehavioral endophenotype associated with individual differences in cue-reward learning, neuroendocrine and behavioral profiles associated with stress and anxiety were investigated in male GT, ST, and intermediate responder (IR) rats. It was revealed that baseline corticosterone (CORT) increases with Pavlovian learning, but to the same degree, regardless of phenotype. No significant differences in behavior were observed between GTs and STs during an elevated plus maze (EPM) or open field test (OFT), nor were there differences in CORT response to the OFT or physiological restraint. Upon examination of central markers associated with stress reactivity, we found that STs have greater glucocorticoid receptor (GR) mRNA expression in the ventral hippocampus, with no phenotypic differences in the dorsal hippocampus or prelimbic cortex (PrL). These findings demonstrate that GTs and STs do not differ on stress-related and anxiety-related behaviors, and suggest that differences in neuroendocrine measures between these phenotypes can be attributed to distinct cue-reward learning styles.
Lopez SA & Flagel SB. (2021). A proposed role for glucocorticoids in mediating dopamine-dependent cue-reward learning. Stress, 24(2):154-167.
Learning to respond appropriately to one’s surrounding environment is fundamental to survival. Importantly, however, individuals vary in how they respond to cues in the environment and this variation may be a key determinant of psychopathology. The ability of seemingly neutral cues to promote maladaptive behavior is a hallmark of several psychiatric disorders including, substance use disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, eating disorders and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Thus, it is important to uncover the neural mechanisms by which such cues are able to attain inordinate control and promote psychopathological behavior. Here, we suggest that glucocorticoids play a critical role in this process. Glucocorticoids are primarily recognized as the main hormone secreted in response to stress but are known to exert their effects across the body and the brain, and to affect learning and memory, cognition and reward-related behaviors, among other things. Here we speculate that glucocorticoids act to facilitate a dopamine-dependent form of cue-reward learning that appears to be relevant to a number of psychiatric conditions. Specifically, we propose to utilize the sign-tracker/goal-tracker animal model as a means to capture individual variation in stimulus-reward learning and to isolate the role of glucocorticoid-dopamine interactions in mediating these individual differences. It is hoped that this framework will lead to the discovery of novel mechanisms that contribute to complex neuropsychiatric disorders and their comorbidity.
King CP, Tripi JA, Hughson AR, Horvath AP, Lamparelli AC, Holl KL, Chitre AS, Polesskaya O, Ishiwari K, Solberg Woods LC, Palmer AA, Robinson TE, Flagel SB, & Meyer PJ. Senstivity to food and cocaine cues are independent traits in a large sample of heterogeneous stock rats. Scientific Reports, 11, 2223.
Sensitivity to cocaine and its associated stimuli (“cues”) are important factors in the development and maintenance of addiction. Rodent studies suggest that this sensitivity is related, in part, to the propensity to attribute incentive salience to food cues, which, in turn, contributes to the maintenance of cocaine self-administration, and cue-induced relapse of drug-seeking. Whereas each of these traits has established links to drug use, the relatedness between the individual traits themselves has not been well characterized in preclinical models. To this end, the propensity to attribute incentive salience to a food cue was first assessed in two distinct cohorts of 2716 outbred heterogeneous stock rats (HS; formerly N:NIH). We then determined whether each cohort was associated with performance in one of two paradigms (cocaine conditioned cue preference and cocaine contextual conditioning). These measure the unconditioned locomotor effects of cocaine, as well as conditioned approach and the locomotor response to a cocaine-paired floor or context. There was large individual variability and sex differences among all traits, but they were largely independent of one another in both males and females. These findings suggest that these traits may contribute to drug-use via independent underlying neuropsychological processes.
Chitre AS, Polesskaya O, Holl K, Gao J, Cheng R, Bimschleger H, Garcia Martinez A, George T, Gileta AF, Han W, Horvath A, Hughson A, Ishiwari K, King CP, Lamparelli A, Versaggi CL, Martin C, St Pierre CL, Tripi JA, Wang T, Chen H, Flagel SB, Meyer P, Richards J, Robinson TE, Palmer AA, & Solberg Woods LC. (2020). Genome-wide association study in 3,173 outbred rats identifies multiple loci for body weight, adiposity, and fasting glucose. Obesity (Silver Spring), 28(10): 1964-1973.
Obesity is influenced by genetic and environmental factors. Despite the success of human genome-wide association studies, the specific genes that confer obesity remain largely unknown. The objective of this study was to use outbred rats to identify the genetic loci underlying obesity and related morphometric and metabolic traits.
Haight JL, Campus P, Maria-Rios CE, Johnson AM, Klumpner MS, Kuhn BN, Covelo IR, Morrow JD, & Flagel SB. (2020). The lateral hypothalamus and orexinergic transmission in the paraventricular thalamus promote the attribution of incentive salience to reward-associated cues. Psychopharmacology (Berl)., 237(12):3741-3758.
Prior research suggests that the neural pathway from the lateral hypothalamic area (LHA) to the paraventricular nucleus of the thalamus (PVT) mediates the attribution of incentive salience to Pavlovian reward cues. However, a causal role for the LHA and the neurotransmitters involved have not been demonstrated in this regard.
Colaizzi JM, Flagel SB, Joyner MA, Gearhardt AN, Stewart JL, & Paulus MP. (2020). Mapping sign-tracking and goal-tracking onto human behaviors. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 111:84-94.
As evidenced through classic Pavlovian learning mechanisms, environmental cues can become incentivized and influence behavior. These stimulus-outcome associations are relevant in everyday life but may be particularly important for the development of impulse control disorders including addiction. Rodent studies have elucidated specific learning profiles termed ‘sign-tracking’ and ‘goal-tracking’ which map onto individual differences in impulsivity and other behaviors associated with impulse control disorders’ etiology, course, and relapse. Whereas goal-trackers are biased toward the outcome, sign-trackers fixate on features that are associated with but not necessary for achieving an outcome; a pattern of behavior that often leads to escalation of reward-seeking that can be maladaptive. The vast majority of the sign- and goal-tracking research has been conducted using rodent models and very few have bridged this concept into the domain of human behavior. In this review, we discuss the attributes of sign- and goal-tracking profiles, how these are manifested neurobiologically, and how these distinct learning styles could be an important tool for clinical interventions in human addiction.
Campus P, Covelo IR, Kim Y, Parsegian A, Kuhn BN, Lopez SA, Neumaier JF, Ferguson SM, Solberg Woods LC, Sarter M, & Flagel SB. (2019). The paraventricular thalamus is a critical mediator of top-down control of cue-motivated behavior in rats. eLIFE, 10(8), e49041.
Cues in the environment can elicit complex emotional states, and thereby maladaptive behavior, as a function of their ascribed value. Here we capture individual variation in the propensity to attribute motivational value to reward-cues using the sign-tracker/goal-tracker animal model. Goal-trackers attribute predictive value to reward-cues, and sign-trackers attribute both predictive and incentive value. Using chemogenetics and microdialysis, we show that, in sign-trackers, stimulation of the neuronal pathway from the prelimbic cortex (PrL) to the paraventricular nucleus of the thalamus (PVT) decreases the incentive value of a reward-cue. In contrast, in goal-trackers, inhibition of the PrL-PVT pathway increases both the incentive value and dopamine levels in the nucleus accumbens shell. The PrL-PVT pathway, therefore, exerts top-down control over the dopamine-dependent process of incentive salience attribution. These results highlight PrL-PVT pathway as a potential target for treating psychopathologies associated with the attribution of excessive incentive value to reward-cues, including addiction.
Flagel SB, Gordon JA, & Paulus MP. (2019). Editorial: Bridging the gap with computational and translational psychopharmacology. Psychopharmacology, 1-4.
The application of theoretical and computational approaches to the analysis of complex behavior has a rich history in psychology. A shining example of this is the modeling of learning encapsulated elegantly by Rescorla and Wagner (1972), who demonstrated that classical conditioning can be described by a simple mathematical equation. The explanatory power of the Rescorla-Wagner rule and its subsequent expansion into additional areas of behavioral plasticity has enabled the precise mapping of learning parameters onto neural structures and even individual neurons. A plethora of other mathematical models have since been used to describe a variety of behaviors, and to map those behaviors onto their underlying neurobiology. This so-called computational phenotyping is now gaining momentum as a translational tool that can be used to identify process characteristics in both humans and animals with the potential of transforming the field of psychopharmacology. The contributions to this Special Issue on Computational and Translational Psychopharmacology stem from the European Behavioural Pharmacology Society (EBPS) Workshop that was held at the University of Cambridge, in August of 2018. The overarching goal of the workshop was to foster discussion around the nascent subfield we refer to as Computational and Translational Psychopharmacology, and to identify points of convergence for which computational approaches could be used to enhance the translational value of animal and human studies. The manuscripts contained herein demonstrate the potential utility of such approaches and provide a foundation for continuous growth towards a better mechanistic understanding of the complex behaviors that characterize psychiatric conditions and the development of more predictive translational probes.
Hughson AR, Horvath AP, Holl K, Palmer AA, Solberg Woods LC, Robinson TE, & Flagel SB. (2019). Incentive salience attribution, "sensation-seeking" and "novelty-seeking" are independent traits in a large sample of male and female heterogeneous stock rats. Scientific Reports, 9(1):2351.
There are a number of traits that are thought to increase susceptibility to addiction, and some of these are modeled in preclinical studies. For example, “sensation-seeking” is predictive of the initial propensity to take drugs; whereas “novelty-seeking” predicts compulsive drug-seeking behavior. In addition, the propensity to attribute incentive salience to reward cues can predict the propensity to approach drug cues, and reinstatement or relapse, even after relatively brief periods of drug exposure. The question addressed here is the extent to which these three ‘vulnerability factors’ are related; that is, predictive of one another. Some relationships have been reported in small samples, but here a large sample of 1,598 outbred male and female heterogeneous stock rats were screened for Pavlovian conditioned approach behavior (to obtain an index of incentive salience attribution; ‘sign-tracking’), and subsequently tested for sensation-seeking and novelty-seeking. Despite the large N there were no significant correlations between these traits, in either males or females. There were, however, novel relationships between multiple measures of incentive salience attribution and, based on these findings, we generated a new metric that captures “incentive value”. Furthermore, there were sex differences on measures of incentive salience attribution and sensation-seeking behavior that were not previously apparent.
Kuhn BN, Campus P, & Flagel SB. (2018). "The Neurobiological Mechanisms Underlying Sign-Tracking Behavior." Sign-tracking and Drug Addiction. Ed. Arthur Tomie and Jonathan Morrow. Maize Books, Chp 3.
Pavlovian learning processes can render cues and contexts associated with drug-taking experiences into powerful motivators, such that exposure to such stimuli can elicit drug-seeking behavior and relapse. However, there is considerable individual variation in the extent to which a reward cue can gain control over behavior. The sign-tracker (ST)/ goal-tracker (GT) animal model provides a means to capture this individual variation and study the underlying psychological and neurobiological processes. For both phenotypes, a reward cue acquires predictive value and elicits a conditioned response, but only for STs does it also acquire incentive value. That is, for STs the reward cue becomes an incentive stimulus, or a “motivational magnet.” Relative to GTs, STs are also more impulsive on tests of impulsive action, show greater motivation to work for cocaine, and show greater drug-seeking behavior during tests for cue- and cocaine-induced reinstatement. Using this model, we are able to interrogate the neurobiological mechanisms underlying both the propensity to attribute incentive salience to reward cues and the associated addiction-related behaviors. Research thus far has shown that sign-tracking is a dopamine-dependent process that relies on subcortical circuitry, including the hypothalamic-thalamic-striatal pathway. Conversely, goal-tracking behavior is driven by cortical cognitive processes. Furthermore, differences in neurotransmitter systems, including dopamine and acetylcholine, appear to contribute to the distinct neural circuits mediating sign- and goal-tracking behavior. Taken together, we believe that an imbalance between “top-down” cortical processing relative to “bottom-up” subcortical processing is responsible for the behavioral phenotypes of sign- and goal-trackers, including addiction vulnerability and relapse propensity.
Wardle MC, Lopez-Gamundi P, & Flagel SB. (2018). Measuring appetitive conditioned responses in humans. Physiology & Behavior, 188:140-150.
Clinical and preclinical findings suggest that individuals with abnormal responses to reward cues (stimuli associated with reward) may be at risk for maladaptive behaviors including obesity, addiction and depression. Our objective was to develop a new paradigm for producing appetitive conditioning using primary (food) rewards in humans, and investigate the equivalency of several outcomes previously used to measure appetitive responses to conditioned cues. We used an individualized food reward, and multimodal subjective, psychophysiological and behavioral measures of appetitive responses to a conditioned stimulus (CS) that predicted delivery of that food. We tested convergence among these measures of appetitive response, and relationships between these measures and action impulsivity, a putative correlate of appetitive conditioning. 90 healthy young adults participated. Although the paradigm produced robust appetitive conditioning in some measures, particularly psychophysiological ones, there were not strong correlations among measures of appetitive responses to the CS, as would be expected if they indexed a single underlying process. In addition, there was only one measure that related to impulsivity. These results provide important information for translational researchers interested in appetitive conditioning, suggesting that various measures of appetitive conditioning cannot be treated interchangeably.
Kuhn BN, Klumpner MS, Covelo IR, Campus P, & Flagel SB. (2018). Transient inactivation of the paraventricular nucleus of the thalamus enhances cue-induced reinstatement in goal-trackers, but not sign-trackers. Psychopharmacology, 235(4):999-1014.
The paraventricular nucleus of the thalamus (PVT) has been shown to mediate cue-motivated behaviors, such as sign- and goal-tracking, as well as reinstatement of drug-seeking behavior. However, the role of the PVT in mediating individual variation in cue-induced drug-seeking behavior remains unknown.
Joyner MA, Gearhardt AN, & Flagel SB. (2018). A translational model to assess sign-tracking and goal-tracking behavior in children. Neuropsychopharmacology, 43(1):228-229.
Cues or stimuli in the environment can guide behavior in adaptive ways, bringing one in close proximity to valuable resources (for example, food). For some individuals, however, environmental stimuli may acquire inordinate control over behavior and elicit maladaptive tendencies or intrusive thoughts. Thus, the way an individual responds to cues in the environment may be a key determinant of psychopathology. For example, in addiction, relapse is most often triggered by exposure to stimuli (for example, paraphernalia or places) previously associated with the drug-taking experience, and people suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) experience extreme anxiety or flashbacks upon exposure to stimuli reminiscent of a traumatic event. Furthermore, in patients with schizophrenia, psychosis is believed to result from aberrant attribution of motivational salience to environmental stimuli (Kapur, 2003). Such stimuli are able to elicit complex emotional and motivational states via Pavlovian learning, and in recent years we have come to rely on an animal model to better understand these processes (for review see Robinson et al, 2014).
Mabrouk OS, Han JL, Wong JT, Akil H, Kennedy RT, & Flagel SB. (2017). In vivo neurochemical profile of selectively bred high-responder and low-responder rats reveals baseline, cocaine- and novelty-evoked differences in monoaminergic systems. ACS Chemical Neuroscience, 9 (4), 715-724.
Relative to bred low-responder (bLR) rats, bred high-responder (bHR) rats have an exaggerated locomotor response to a novel environment, take more risks, are more impulsive, and more likely to exhibit compulsive drug-seeking behaviors. These phenotypic differences in addiction-related behaviors and temperament have previously been associated with differences in neurotransmitter signaling, including the mesolimbic dopamine system. In this study, we applied advanced in vivo microdialysis sampling in the nucleus accumbens of bHRs and bLRs to assess differences in basal and stimulated neurochemical efflux more broadly. We used liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry measurements of dialysate samples to quantify a panel of 17 neurochemicals, including dopamine, norepinephrine, serotonin, histamine, glutamate, GABA, acetylcholine, adenosine, DOPAC, 3-MT, HVA, 5-HIAA, normetanephrine, taurine, serine, aspartate, and glycine. We also applied a stable isotope labeling technique to assess absolute baseline concentrations of dopamine and norepinephrine in the nucleus accumbens. Finally, we investigated the role of norepinephrine tone in the nucleus accumbens on the bHR phenotype. Our findings show that bHRs have elevated basal and cocaine-evoked dopamine and norepinephrine levels in the nucleus accumbens compared to those of bLRs. Furthermore, norepinephrine signaling in the nucleus accumbens appeared to be an important contributor to the bHR phenotype because bilateral perfusion of the α1 adrenergic receptor antagonist terazosin (10 μM) into the nucleus accumbens abolished the response of bHRs to novelty. These findings are the first to demonstrate a role for norepinephrine in the bHR phenotype. They reveal a positive relationship between dopamine and norepinephrine signaling in the nucleus accumbens in mediating the exaggerated response to novelty and point to norepinephrine signaling as a potential target in the treatment of impulse control disorders.
García-Fuster MJ, Parsegian A, Watson SJ, Akil H, & Flagel SB. (2017). Adolescent cocaine exposure enhances goal-tracking behavior and impairs hippocampal cell genesis selectively in adult bred low-responder rats. Psychopharmacology (Berl), 234(8):1293-1305.
Environmental challenges during adolescence, such as drug exposure, can cause enduring behavioral and molecular changes that contribute to life-long maladaptive behaviors, including addiction. Selectively bred high-responder (bHR) and low-responder (bLR) rats represent a unique model for assessing the long-term impact of adolescent environmental manipulations, as they inherently differ on a number of addiction-related traits. bHR rats are considered “addiction-prone,” whereas bLR rats are “addiction-resilient,” at least under baseline conditions. Moreover, relative to bLRs, bHR rats are more likely to attribute incentive motivational value to reward cues, or to “sign-track.”
Turner CA, Flagel SB, Blandino P Jr, Watson SJ Jr, & Akil H. (2017). Utilizing a unique animal model to better understand human temperament. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 14:108-114.
Individual differences in temperament are associated with psychopathology in humans. Moreover, the relationship between temperament and anxiety-, depression-, PTSD- and addiction-related behaviors can be modeled in animals. This review will highlight these relationships with a focus on individual differences in the response to stressors, fear conditioning and drugs of abuse using animals that differ in their response to a novel environment. We will discuss behavioral and neurobiological commonalities amongst these behaviors with a focus on the hippocampus and, in particular, growth factors as promising novel targets for therapeutic intervention.
Flagel SB & Robinson TE. (2017). Neurobiological basis of individual variation in stimulus-reward learning. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 13:178-185.
Cues in the environment can guide behavior in adaptive ways, leading one towards valuable resources such as food, water, or a potential mate. However, cues in the environment may also serve as powerful motivators that contribute to maladaptive patterns of behavior, such as addiction. Importantly, and central to this article, there is considerable individual variation in the extent to which reward cues gain motivational control over behavior. Here we describe an animal model that captures this individual variation, allowing us to better understand the psychological and neurobiological processes that underlie cue-evoked behaviors. When a discrete cue is paired with a food reward in a Pavlovian manner it acquires greater control over motivated behavior in some rats (‘sign-trackers’, STs) than in others (‘goal-trackers’, GTs). We review studies that have exploited this animal model to parse the neurobiological mechanisms involved in learning associations between stimuli vs. those involved in attributing incentive salience to those same stimuli. The latter seems to be dependent on dopamine and subcortical circuits, whereas the former may engage more cortical ‘top-down’ mechanisms.
Haight JL, Fuller ZL, Fraser K, & Flagel SB. (2017). A food-predictive cue attributed with incentive salience engages subcortical afferents and efferents of the paraventricular nucleus of the thalamus. Neuroscience, 340:135-152.
The paraventricular nucleus of the thalamus (PVT) has been implicated in behavioral responses to reward-associated cues. However, the precise role of the PVT in these behaviors has been difficult to ascertain since Pavlovian-conditioned cues can act as both predictive and incentive stimuli. The “sign-tracker/goal-tracker” rat model has allowed us to further elucidate the role of the PVT in cue-motivated behaviors, identifying this structure as a critical component of the neural circuitry underlying individual variation in the propensity to attribute incentive salience to reward cues. The current study assessed differences in the engagement of specific PVT afferents and efferents in response to presentation of a food-cue that had been attributed with only predictive value or with both predictive and incentive value. The retrograde tracer fluorogold (FG) was injected into the PVT or the nucleus accumbens (NAc) of rats, and cue-induced c-Fos in FG-labeled cells was quantified. Presentation of a predictive stimulus that had been attributed with incentive value elicited c-Fos in PVT afferents from the lateral hypothalamus, medial amygdala (MeA), and the prelimbic cortex (PrL), as well as posterior PVT efferents to the NAc. PVT afferents from the PrL also showed elevated c-Fos levels following presentation of a predictive stimulus alone. Thus, presentation of an incentive stimulus results in engagement of subcortical brain regions; supporting a role for the hypothalamic–thalamic–striatal axis, as well as the MeA, in mediating responses to incentive stimuli; whereas activity in the PrL to PVT pathway appears to play a role in processing the predictive qualities of reward-paired stimuli.
Fraser K, Haight J, Gardner E, & Flagel SB. (2016). Examining the role of dopamine D2 and D3 receptors in Pavlovian conditioned approach behaviors. Behavioral Brain Research, 305:87-99.
Elucidating the neurobiological mechanisms underlying individual differences in the extent to which reward cues acquire the ability to act as incentive stimuli may contribute to the development of successful treatments for addiction and related disorders. We used the sign-tracker/goal-tracker animal model to examine the role of dopamine D2 and D3 receptors in the propensity to attribute incentive salience to reward cues. Following Pavlovian training, wherein a discrete lever-cue was paired with food reward, rats were classified as sign- or goal-trackers based on the resultant conditioned response. We examined the effects of D2/D3 agonists, 7-OH-DPAT (0.01–0.32 mg/kg) or pramipexole (0.032–0.32 mg/kg), the D2/D3 antagonist raclopride (0.1 mg/kg), and the selective D3 antagonist, SB-277011A (6 or 24 mg/kg), on the expression of sign- and goal-tracking conditioned responses. The lever-cue acquired predictive value and elicited a conditioned response for sign- and goal-trackers, but only for sign-trackers did it also acquire incentive value. Following administration of either 7-OH-DPAT, pramipexole, or raclopride, the performance of the previously acquired conditioned response was attenuated for both sign- and goal-trackers. For sign-trackers, the D2/D3 agonist, 7-OH-DPAT, also attenuated the conditioned reinforcing properties of the lever-cue. The selective D3 antagonist did not affect either conditioned response. Alterations in D2/D3 receptor signaling, but not D3 signaling alone, transiently attenuate a previously acquired Pavlovian conditioned response, regardless of whether the response is a result of incentive motivational processes. These findings suggest activity at the dopamine D2 receptor is critical for a reward cue to maintain either its incentive or predictive qualities.
Flagel SB, Chaudhury S, Waselus M, Kelly R, Thompson RT, Watson SJ, & Akil H. (2016). Genetic background and epigenetic modifications in the core of the nucleus accumbens predict addiction-like behavior in a rat model. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113(20).
This study provides a demonstration in the rat of a clear genetic difference in the propensity for addiction-related behaviors following prolonged cocaine self-administration. It relies on the use of selectively bred high-responder (bHR) and low-responder (bLR) rat lines that differ in several characteristics associated with “temperament,” including novelty-induced locomotion and impulsivity. We show that bHR rats exhibit behaviors reminiscent of human addiction, including persistent cocaine-seeking and increased reinstatement of cocaine seeking. To uncover potential underlying mechanisms of this differential vulnerability, we focused on the core of the nucleus accumbens and examined expression and epigenetic regulation of two transcripts previously implicated in bHR/bLR differences: fibroblast growth factor (FGF2) and the dopamine D2 receptor (D2). Relative to bHRs, bLRs had lower FGF2 mRNA levels and increased association of a repressive mark on histones (H3K9me3) at the FGF2 promoter. These differences were apparent under basal conditions and persisted even following prolonged cocaine self-administration. In contrast, bHRs had lower D2 mRNA under basal conditions, with greater association of H3K9me3 at the D2 promoter and these differences were no longer apparent following prolonged cocaine self-administration. Correlational analyses indicate that the association of H3K9me3 at D2 may be a critical substrate underlying the propensity to relapse. These findings suggest that low D2 mRNA levels in the nucleus accumbens core, likely mediated via epigenetic modifications, may render individuals more susceptible to cocaine addiction. In contrast, low FGF2 levels, which appear immutable even following prolonged cocaine exposure, may serve as a protective factor.
Flagel SB, Chaudhury S, Waselus M, Kelly R, Sewani S, Clinton SM, Thompson RC, Watson SJ, & Akil H. Genetic background and epigenetic modifications in the core of the nucleus accumbens predict addiction-like behavior in a rat model. (2016). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 113(20), E2861-70.
This study provides a demonstration in the rat of a clear genetic difference in the propensity for addiction-related behaviors following prolonged cocaine self-administration. It relies on the use of selectively bred high-responder (bHR) and low-responder (bLR) rat lines that differ in several characteristics associated with "temperament," including novelty-induced locomotion and impulsivity. We show that bHR rats exhibit behaviors reminiscent of human addiction, including persistent cocaine-seeking and increased reinstatement of cocaine seeking. To uncover potential underlying mechanisms of this differential vulnerability, we focused on the core of the nucleus accumbens and examined expression and epigenetic regulation of two transcripts previously implicated in bHR/bLR differences: fibroblast growth factor (FGF2) and the dopamine D2 receptor (D2). Relative to bHRs, bLRs had lower FGF2 mRNA levels and increased association of a repressive mark on histones (H3K9me3) at the FGF2 promoter. These differences were apparent under basal conditions and persisted even following prolonged cocaine self-administration. In contrast, bHRs had lower D2 mRNA under basal conditions, with greater association of H3K9me3 at the D2 promoter and these differences were no longer apparent following prolonged cocaine self-administration. Correlational analyses indicate that the association of H3K9me3 at D2 may be a critical substrate underlying the propensity to relapse. These findings suggest that low D2 mRNA levels in the nucleus accumbens core, likely mediated via epigenetic modifications, may render individuals more susceptible to cocaine addiction. In contrast, low FGF2 levels, which appear immutable even following prolonged cocaine exposure, may serve as a protective factor.
Morrow JD & Flagel SB. (2016). Neuroscience of resiliency and vulnerability for addiction medicine: From genes to behavior. Progress in Brain Research, 223:3-18.
Addiction is a complex behavioral disorder arising from roughly equal contributions of genetic and environmental factors. Behavioral traits such as novelty-seeking, impulsivity, and cue-reactivity have been associated with vulnerability to addiction. These traits, at least in part, arise from individual variation in functional neural systems, such as increased striatal dopaminergic activity and decreased prefrontal cortical control over subcortical emotional and motivational responses. With a few exceptions, genetic studies have largely failed to consistently identify specific alleles that affect addiction liability. This may be due to the multifactorial nature of addiction, with different genes becoming more significant in certain environments or in certain subsets of the population. Epigenetic mechanisms may also be an important source of risk. Adolescence is a particularly critical time period in the development of addiction, and environmental factors at this stage of life can have a large influence on whether inherited risk factors are actually translated into addictive behaviors. Knowledge of how individual differences affect addiction liability at the level of genes, neural systems, behavioral traits, and sociodevelopmental trajectories can help to inform and improve clinical practice.
Haight JL, Fraser K, Akil H, & Flagel SB. (2015). Lesions of the paraventricular nucleus of the thalamus differentially affect sign- and goal-tracking conditioned responses. European Journal of Neuroscience, 42(7):2478-2488.
Recently, evidence has emerged suggesting a role for the paraventricular nucleus of the thalamus (PVT) in the processing of reward-associated cues. However, the specific role of the PVT in these processes has yet to be elucidated. Here we use an animal model that captures individual variation in response to discrete reward-associated cues to further assess the role of the PVT in stimulus–reward learning. When rats are exposed to a Pavlovian conditioning paradigm, wherein a discrete cue predicts food reward, two distinct conditioned responses emerge. Some rats, termed sign-trackers, approach and manipulate the cue, whereas others, termed goal-trackers, approach the location of reward delivery upon cue presentation. For both sign- and goal-trackers the cue is a predictor, but only for sign-trackers is it also an incentive stimulus. We investigated the role of the PVT in the acquisition and expression of these conditioned responses using an excitotoxic lesion. Results indicate that PVT lesions prior to acquisition amplify the differences between phenotypes – increasing sign-tracking and attenuating goal-tracking behavior. Lesions of the PVT after rats had acquired their respective conditioned responses also attenuated the expression of the goal-tracking response, and increased the sign-tracking response, but did so selectively in goal-trackers. These results suggest that the PVT acts to suppress the attribution of incentive salience to reward cues, as disruption of the functional activity within this structure enhances the tendency to sign-track.
Yager LM, Pitchers KK, Flagel SB, & Robinson TE. (2015). Individual variation in the motivational and neurobiological effects of an opioid cue. Neuropsychopharmacology, 40(5):1269-1277.
A discrete cue associated with intravenous injections of cocaine acquires greater control over motivated behavior in some rats (‘sign-trackers’, STs) than others (‘goal-trackers’, GTs). It is not known, however, if such variation generalizes to cues associated with other drugs. We asked, therefore, whether a discrete cue (a light) associated with the intravenous administration of an opioid drug (the short-acting mu receptor agonist, remifentanil) acquires incentive motivational properties differently in STs and GTs, as indicated by tests of Pavlovian conditioned approach and conditioned reinforcement. Consistent with studies using cocaine, STs approached a classically conditioned opioid cue more readily than GTs, and in a test of conditioned reinforcement worked more avidly to get it. Interestingly, STs and GTs did not differ in the acquisition of a conditioned orienting response. In addition, the performance of conditioned approach behavior, but not conditioned orientation, was attenuated by pretreatment with the dopamine receptor antagonist, flupenthixol, into the core of the nucleus accumbens. Lastly, food and opioid cues engaged similar amygdalo–striatal–thalamic circuitry to a much greater extent in STs than GTs, as indicated by Fos expression. Taken together, these data demonstrate that, similar to food and cocaine cues: (1) a discrete opioid cue attains greater incentive motivational value in STs than GTs; (2) the attribution of incentive motivational properties to an opioid cue is dopamine dependent; and (3) an opioid cue engages the so-called ‘motive circuit’ only if it is imbued with incentive salience.
Pitchers KK, Flagel SB, O’Donnell EG, Solberg-Woods LC, Sarter M, & Robinson TE. (2014). Individual variation in the propensity to attribute incentive salience to a food cue: Influence of sex. Behavioural Brain Research, 278C:462-469.
There is considerable individual variation in the propensity of animals to attribute incentive salience to discrete reward cues, but to date most of this research has been conducted in male rats. The purpose of this study was to determine whether sex influences the propensity to attribute incentive salience to a food cue, using rats from two different outbred strains (Sprague-Dawley [SD] and Heterogeneous Stock [HS]). The motivational value of a food cue was assessed in two ways: (i) by the ability of the cue to elicit approach toward it and (ii) by its ability to act as a conditioned reinforcer. We found that female SD rats acquired Pavlovian conditioned approach behavior slightly faster than males, but no sex difference was detected in HS rats, and neither strain showed a sex difference in asymptotic performance of approach behavior. Moreover, female approach behavior did not differ across estrous cycle. Compared to males, females made more active responses during the test for conditioned reinforcement, although they made more inactive responses as well. We conclude that although there are small sex differences in performance on these tasks, these are probably not due to a notable sex difference in the propensity to attribute incentive salience to a food cue.
Huys QJM, Tobler PN, Hasler G, & Flagel SB. (2014). The role of learning-related dopamine signals in addiction vulnerability. Progress in Brain Research, 211:31-77.
Dopaminergic signals play a mathematically precise role in reward-related learning, and variations in dopaminergic signaling have been implicated in vulnerability to addiction. Here, we provide a detailed overview of the relationship between theoretical, mathematical, and experimental accounts of phasic dopamine signaling, with implications for the role of learning-related dopamine signaling in addiction and related disorders. We describe the theoretical and behavioral characteristics of model-free learning based on errors in the prediction of reward, including step-by-step explanations of the underlying equations. We then use recent insights from an animal model that highlights individual variation in learning during a Pavlovian conditioning paradigm to describe overlapping aspects of incentive salience attribution and model-free learning. We argue that this provides a computationally coherent account of some features of addiction.
Lesaint F, Sigaud O, Clark JJ, Flagel SB, & Khamassi M. (2014). Experimental predictions drawn from a computational model of sign-trackers and goal-trackers. Journal of Physiology – Paris, 108(2-3):354-370.
Gaining a better understanding of the biological mechanisms underlying the individual variation observed in response to rewards and reward cues could help to identify and treat individuals more prone to disorders of impulsive control, such as addiction. Variation in response to reward cues is captured in rats undergoing autoshaping experiments where the appearance of a lever precedes food delivery. Although no response is required for food to be delivered, some rats (goal-trackers) learn to approach and avidly engage the magazine until food delivery, whereas other rats (sign-trackers) come to approach and engage avidly the lever. The impulsive and often maladaptive characteristics of the latter response are reminiscent of addictive behaviour in humans. In a previous article, we developed a computational model accounting for a set of experimental data regarding sign-trackers and goal-trackers. Here we show new simulations of the model to draw experimental predictions that could help further validate or refute the model. In particular, we apply the model to new experimental protocols such as injecting flupentixol locally into the core of the nucleus accumbens rather than systemically, and lesioning of the core of the nucleus accumbens before or after conditioning. In addition, we discuss the possibility of removing the food magazine during the inter-trial interval. The predictions from this revised model will help us better understand the role of different brain regions in the behaviours expressed by sign-trackers and goal-trackers.
Haight J & Flagel SB. (2014). A potential role for the paraventricular nucleus of the thalamus in mediating individual variation in Pavlovian conditioned responses. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 8:79.
There is ample evidence to suggest that the paraventricular nucleus of the thalamus (PVT) mediates cue-reward learning, especially as it relates to drug-seeking behavior. However, its exact role in these complex processes remains unknown. Here we will present and discuss data from our own laboratory which suggests that the PVT plays a role in multiple forms of stimulus-reward learning, and does so via distinct neurobiological systems. Using an animal model that captures individual variation in response to reward-associated cues, we are able to parse the incentive from the predictive properties of reward cues and to elucidate the neural circuitry underlying these different forms of cue-reward learning. When rats are exposed to a classical Pavlovian conditioning paradigm, wherein a cue predicts food reward, some rats, termed sign-trackers, approach and manipulate the cue upon its presentation. This behavior is indicative of attributing incentive salience to the cue. That is, the cue gains excessive control over behavior for sign-trackers. In contrast, other rats, termed goal-trackers, treat the cue as a mere predictor, and upon its presentation go to the location of reward delivery. Based on our own data utilizing this model, we hypothesize that the PVT represents a common node, but differentially regulates the sign- vs. goal-tracking response. We postulate that the PVT regulates sign-tracking behavior, or the attribution of incentive salience, via subcortical, dopamine-dependent mechanisms. In contrast, we propose that goal-tracking behavior, or the attribution of predictive value, is the product of “top-down” glutamatergic processing between the prelimbic cortex (PrL) and the PVT. Together, data from our laboratory and others support a role for the PVT in cue-motivated behaviors and suggest that it may be an important locus within the neural circuitry that goes awry in addiction and related disorders.
Lesaint F, Sigaud O, Flagel SB, Robinson TE, & Khamassi M. (2014). Modelling individual differences in the form of Pavlovian conditioned approach responses: A dual learning systems approach with factored representations. PLOS Computational Biology, 10(2).
Reinforcement Learning has greatly influenced models of conditioning, providing powerful explanations of acquired behaviour and underlying physiological observations. However, in recent autoshaping experiments in rats, variation in the form of Pavlovian conditioned responses (CRs) and associated dopamine activity, have questioned the classical hypothesis that phasic dopamine activity corresponds to a reward prediction error-like signal arising from a classical Model-Free system, necessary for Pavlovian conditioning. Over the course of Pavlovian conditioning using food as the unconditioned stimulus (US), some rats (sign-trackers) come to approach and engage the conditioned stimulus (CS) itself – a lever – more and more avidly, whereas other rats (goal-trackers) learn to approach the location of food delivery upon CS presentation. Importantly, although both sign-trackers and goal-trackers learn the CS-US association equally well, only in sign-trackers does phasic dopamine activity show classical reward prediction error-like bursts. Furthermore, neither the acquisition nor the expression of a goal-tracking CR is dopamine-dependent. Here we present a computational model that can account for such individual variations. We show that a combination of a Model-Based system and a revised Model-Free system can account for the development of distinct CRs in rats. Moreover, we show that revising a classical Model-Free system to individually process stimuli by using factored representations can explain why classical dopaminergic patterns may be observed for some rats and not for others depending on the CR they develop. In addition, the model can account for other behavioural and pharmacological results obtained using the same, or similar, autoshaping procedures. Finally, the model makes it possible to draw a set of experimental predictions that may be verified in a modified experimental protocol. We suggest that further investigation of factored representations in computational neuroscience studies may be useful.
Parker CC, Chen H, Flagel SB, Geurts AM, Richards JB, Robinson TE, Solberg Woods LC, & Palmer AA. (2014). Rats are the smart choice: Rationale for a renewed focus on rats in behavioral genetics. Neuropharmacology, 76:250-258.
Due in part to their rich behavioral repertoire rats have been widely used in behavioral studies of drug abuse-related traits for decades. However, the mouse became the model of choice for researchers exploring the genetic underpinnings of addiction after the first mouse study was published demonstrating the capability of engineering the mouse genome through embryonic stem cell technology. The sequencing of the mouse genome and more recent re-sequencing of numerous inbred mouse strains have further cemented the status of mice as the premier mammalian organism for genetic studies. As a result, many of the behavioral paradigms initially developed and optimized for rats have been adapted to mice. However, numerous complex and interesting drug abuse-related behaviors that can be studied in rats are very difficult or impossible to adapt for use in mice, impeding the genetic dissection of those traits. Now, technological advances have removed many of the historical limitations of genetic studies in rats. For instance, the rat genome has been sequenced and many inbred rat strains are now being re-sequenced and outbred rat stocks are being used to fine-map QTLs. In addition, it is now possible to create “knockout” rats using zinc finger nucleases (ZFN), transcription activator-like effector nucleases (TALENs) and related techniques. Thus, rats can now be used to perform quantitative genetic studies of sophisticated behaviors that have been difficult or impossible to study in mice.This article is part of a Special Issue entitled ‘NIDA 40th Anniversary Issue’.
Flagel SB, Waselus M, Clinton SM, Watson SJ, & Akil H. (2014). Antecedents and consequences of drug abuse in rats selectively bred for high and low response to novelty. Neuropharmacology, 76:425-436.
Human genetic and epidemiological studies provide evidence that only a subset of individuals who experiment with potentially addictive drugs become addicts. What renders some individuals susceptible to addiction remains to be determined, but most would agree that there is no single trait underlying the disorder. However, there is evidence in humans that addiction liability has a genetic component, and that certain personality characteristics related to temperament (e.g. the sensation-seeking trait) are associated with individual differences in addiction liability. Consequently, we have used a selective breeding strategy based on locomotor response to a novel environment to generate two lines of rats with distinct behavioral characteristics. We have found that the resulting phenotypes differ on a number of neurobehavioral dimensions relevant to addiction. Relative to bred low-responder (bLR) rats, bred high-responder (bHR) rats exhibit increased exploratory behavior, are more impulsive, more aggressive, seek stimuli associated with rewards, and show a greater tendency to relapse. We therefore utilize this unique animal model to parse the genetic, neural and environmental factors that contribute to addiction liability. Our work shows that the glucocorticoid receptor (GR), dopaminergic molecules, and members of the fibroblast growth factor family are among the neurotransmitters and neuromodulators that play a role in both the initial susceptibility to addiction as well as the altered neural responses that follow chronic drug exposure. Moreover, our findings suggest that the hippocampus plays a major role in mediating vulnerability to addiction. It is hoped that this work will emphasize the importance of personalized treatment strategies and identify novel therapeutic targets for humans suffering from addictive disorders.This article is part of a Special Issue entitled ‘NIDA 40th Anniversary Issue’.
Fitzpatrick CJ, Golpalakrishnan S, Cogan ES, Yager LM, Meyer PJ, Lovic V, Saunders BT, Parker CC, Gonzales N, Aryee E, Flagel SB, Palmer AA, Robinson TE, & Morrow JD. (2013). Variation in the form of Pavlovian conditioned approach behavior among outbred male Sprague-Dawley rats from different vendors and colonies: Sign-tracking vs. goal-tracking. PLOS ONE, 8(10).
Even when trained under exactly the same conditions outbred male Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats vary in the form of the Pavlovian conditioned approach response (CR) they acquire. The form of the CR (i.e. sign-tracking vs. goal-tracking) predicts to what degree individuals attribute incentive salience to cues associated with food or drugs. However, we have noticed variation in the incidence of these two phenotypes in rats obtained from different vendors. In this study, we quantified sign- and goal-tracking behavior in a reasonably large sample of SD rats obtained from two vendors (Harlan or Charles River), as well as from individual colonies operated by both vendors. Our sample of rats acquired from Harlan had, on average, more sign-trackers than goal-trackers, and vice versa for our sample of rats acquired from Charles River. Furthermore, there were significant differences among colonies of the same vendor. Although it is impossible to rule out environmental variables, SD rats at different vendors and barriers may have reduced phenotypic heterogeneity as a result of genetic variables, such as random genetic drift or population bottlenecks. Consistent with this hypothesis, we identified marked population structure among colonies from Harlan. Therefore, despite sharing the same name, investigators should be aware that important genetic and phenotypic differences exist among SD rats from different vendors or even from different colonies of the same vendor. If used judiciously this can be an asset to experimental design, but it can also be a pitfall for those unaware of the issue.
*Perez-Sepulveda JA, Flagel SB, *Garcia-Fuster MJ, Slusky RJ, Aldridge JW, Watson SJ, & Akil H. (2013). Differential impact of a complex environment on positive affect in an animal model of individual differences in emotionality. Neuroscience, 248:436-447.
Anhedonia, or the inability to experience positive feelings is a hallmark of depression. However, few animal models have relied on decreased positive affect as an index of susceptibility to depression. Rats emit frequency-modulated ultrasonic vocalizations (USVs), designated as “positive” calls in the 50-kHz range. USVs have been associated with pharmacological activation of motivational reward circuits. Here we utilized selectively-bred rats differing in “emotionality” to ask whether there are associated differences in USVs. Rats bred based on locomotor response to novelty and classified as bred High Responders (bHRs) or bred Low Responders (bLRs) exhibit inborn differences in response to environmental cues, stress responsiveness, and depression-like behavior. These animals also exhibit differences in anxiety-like behavior, which are reversed by exposure to environmental complexity (EC). Finally, these animals exhibit unique profiles of responsiveness to rewarding stimuli accompanied with distinct patterns of dopamine regulation. We investigated whether acute and chronic environmental manipulations impacted USVs in bHRs and bLRs. We found that, relative to bLRs, bHRs emitted significantly more 50-kHz USVs. However, if a bLR is accompanied by another bLR, there is a significant increase in 50-kHZ USVs emitted by this phenotype. bHRs emitted increases in 50-kHZ UVSs upon first exposure to EC, whereas bLRs showed a similar increase only after repeated exposure. bLRs’ increase in positive affect after chronic EC was coupled with significant positive correlations between corticosterone levels and c-fos mRNA in the accumbens. Conversely, a decline in the rate of positive calls in bHRs after chronic EC was associated with a negative correlation between corticosterone and accumbens c-fos mRNA. These studies demonstrate that inborn differences in emotionality interact with the environment to influence positive affect and underscore the potential interaction between glucocorticoids and the mesolimbic reward circuitry in modulating 50-kHz calls.
Waselus M, Flagel SB, Jedynak JP, Akil H, Robinson TE, & Watson SJ. (2013). Long-term effects of cocaine experience on neuroplasticity in the nucleus accumbens core of addiction-prone rats. Neuroscience, 248:571-584.
Repeated exposure to drugs of abuse is associated with structural plasticity in brain reward pathways. Rats selectively bred for locomotor response to novelty differ on a number of neurobehavioral dimensions relevant to addiction. This unique genetic animal model was used here to examine both pre-existing differences and long-term consequences of repeated cocaine treatment on structural plasticity. Selectively bred high-responder (bHR) and low-responder (bLR) rats received repeated saline or cocaine injections for 9 consecutive days. Escalating doses of cocaine (7.5, 15 and 30 mg/kg) were administered on the first (day 1) and last (day 9) days of treatment and a single injection of the intermediate dose (15 mg/kg) was given on days 2–8. Motor activity in response to escalating doses of cocaine was compared on the first and last days of treatment to assess the acute and sensitized response to the drug. Following prolonged cocaine abstinence (28 days), spine density was examined on terminal dendrites of medium spiny neurons in the nucleus accumbens core. Relative to bLRs, bHRs exhibited increased psychomotor activation in response to both the acute and repeated effects of cocaine. There were no differences in spine density between bHR and bLR rats under basal conditions or following repeated saline treatment. However, spine density differed markedly between these two lines following prolonged cocaine abstinence. All spine types were decreased in cocaine-treated bHRs, while only mushroom spines were decreased in bLRs that received cocaine. Changes in spine density occurred specifically near the branch point of terminal dendrites. These findings indicate that structural plasticity associated with prolonged cocaine abstinence varies markedly in two selected strains of rats that vary on numerous traits relevant to addiction. Thus, genetic factors that contribute to individual variation in the behavioral response to cocaine also influence cocaine-induced structural plasticity.
Garcia-Fuster MJ, Flagel SB, Mahmood T, Watson SJ, & Akil H. (2012). Cocaine withdrawal causes delayed dysregulation of stress genes in the hippocampus. PLOS ONE, 7(7).
Relapse, even following an extended period of withdrawal, is a major challenge in substance abuse management. Delayed neurobiological effects of the drug during prolonged withdrawal likely contribute to sustained vulnerability to relapse. Stress is a major trigger of relapse, and the hippocampus regulates the magnitude and duration of stress responses. Recent work has implicated hippocampal plasticity in various aspects of substance abuse. We asked whether changes in stress regulatory mechanisms in the hippocampus may participate in the neuroadaptations that occur during prolonged withdrawal. We therefore examined changes in the rat stress system during the course of withdrawal from extended daily access (5-hours) of cocaine self-administration, an animal model of addiction. Tissue was collected at 1, 14 and 28 days of withdrawal. Plasma corticosterone levels were determined and corticosteroid receptors (GR, MR, MR/GR mRNA ratios) and expression of other stress-related molecules (HSP90AA1 and HSP90AB1 mRNA) were measured in hippocampal subfields using in situ hybridization. Results showed a delayed emergence of dysregulation of stress genes in the posterior hippocampus following 28 days of cocaine withdrawal. This included increased GR mRNA in DG and CA3, increased MR and HSP90AA1 mRNA in DG, and decreased MR/GR mRNA ratio in DG and CA1. Corticosterone levels progressively decreased during the course of withdrawal, were normalized following 28 days of withdrawal, and were correlated negatively with GR and positively with MR/GR mRNA ratio in DG. These results suggest a role for the posterior hippocampus in the neuroadaptations that occur during prolonged withdrawal, and point to a signaling partner of GR, HSP90AA1, as a novel dysregulated target during cocaine withdrawal. These delayed neurobiological effects of extended cocaine exposure likely contribute to sustained vulnerability to relapse.
Meyer PJ, Lovic V, Saunders BT, Yager LM, Flagel SB, Morrow JD, & Robinson TE. (2012). Quantifying individual variation in the propensity to attribute incentive salience to reward cues. PLOS ONE, 7(6).
If reward-associated cues acquire the properties of incentive stimuli they can come to powerfully control behavior, and potentially promote maladaptive behavior. Pavlovian incentive stimuli are defined as stimuli that have three fundamental properties: they are attractive, they are themselves desired, and they can spur instrumental actions. We have found, however, that there is considerable individual variation in the extent to which animals attribute Pavlovian incentive motivational properties (“incentive salience”) to reward cues. The purpose of this paper was to develop criteria for identifying and classifying individuals based on their propensity to attribute incentive salience to reward cues. To do this, we conducted a meta-analysis of a large sample of rats (N = 1,878) subjected to a classic Pavlovian conditioning procedure. We then used the propensity of animals to approach a cue predictive of reward (one index of the extent to which the cue was attributed with incentive salience), to characterize two behavioral phenotypes in this population: animals that approached the cue (“sign-trackers”) vs. others that approached the location of reward delivery (“goal-trackers”). This variation in Pavlovian approach behavior predicted other behavioral indices of the propensity to attribute incentive salience to reward cues. Thus, the procedures reported here should be useful for making comparisons across studies and for assessing individual variation in incentive salience attribution in small samples of the population, or even for classifying single animals.
Flagel SB, Cameron CM, Pickup KN, Watson SJ, Akil H, & Robinson TE. (2011). A food predictive cue must be attributed with incentive salience for it to induce c-fos mRNA expression in cortico-striatal-thalamic brain regions. Neuroscience, 196:80-96.
Cues associated with rewards acquire the ability to engage the same brain systems as rewards themselves. However, reward cues have multiple properties. For example, they not only act as predictors of reward capable of evoking conditional responses (CRs), but they may also acquire incentive motivational properties. As incentive stimuli they can evoke complex emotional and motivational states. Here we sought to determine whether the predictive value of a reward cue is sufficient to engage brain reward systems, or whether the cue must also be attributed with incentive salience. We took advantage of the fact that there are large individual differences in the extent to which reward cues are attributed with incentive salience. When a cue (conditional stimulus, CS) is paired with delivery of food (unconditional stimulus, US), the cue acquires the ability to evoke a CR in all rats; that is, it is equally predictive and supports learning the CS–US association in all. However, only in a subset of rats is the cue attributed with incentive salience, becoming an attractive and desirable incentive stimulus. We used in situ hybridization histochemistry to quantify the ability of a food cue to induce c-fos mRNA expression in rats that varied in the extent to which they attributed incentive salience to the cue. We found that a food cue induced c-fos mRNA in the orbitofrontal cortex, striatum (caudate and nucleus accumbens), thalamus (paraventricular, intermediodorsal and central medial nuclei), and lateral habenula, only in rats that attributed incentive salience to the cue. Furthermore, patterns of “connectivity” between these brain regions differed markedly between rats that did or did not attribute incentive salience to the food cue. These data suggest that the predictive value of a reward cue is not sufficient to engage brain reward systems—the cue must also be attributed with incentive salience.
Garcia-Fuster MJ, Flagel SB, Mahmood T, Mayo L, Thompson RC, Watson SJ, & Akil H. (2011). Decreased proliferation of adult hippocampal stem cells during cocaine withdrawal: Possible role of the cell fate regulator FADD. Neuropsychopharmacology, 36(11):2303-2317.
The current study uses an extended access rat model of cocaine self-administration (5-h session per day, 14 days), which elicits several features manifested during the transition to human addiction, to study the neural adaptations associated with cocaine withdrawal. Given that the hippocampus is thought to have an important role in maintaining addictive behavior and appears to be especially relevant to mechanisms associated with withdrawal, this study attempted to understand how extended access to cocaine impacts the hippocampus at the cellular and molecular levels, and how these alterations change over the course of withdrawal (1, 14, and 28 days). Therefore, at the cellular level, we examined the effects of cocaine withdrawal on cell proliferation (Ki-67+ and NeuroD+ cells) in the DG. At the molecular level, we employed a ‘discovery’ approach with gene expression profiling in the DG to uncover novel molecules possibly implicated in the neural adaptations that take place during cocaine withdrawal. Our results suggest that decreased hippocampal cell proliferation might participate in the adaptations associated with drug removal and identifies 14 days as a critical time-point of cocaine withdrawal. At the 14-day time-point, gene expression profiling of the DG revealed the dysregulation of several genes associated with cell fate regulation, highlighting two new neurobiological correlates (Ascl-1 and Dnmt3b) that accompany cessation of drug exposure. Moreover, the results point to Fas-Associated protein with Death Domain (FADD), a molecular marker previously associated with the propensity to substance abuse and cocaine sensitization, as a key cell fate regulator during cocaine withdrawal. Identifying molecules that may have a role in the restructuring of the hippocampus following substance abuse provides a better understanding of the adaptations associated with cocaine withdrawal and identifies novel targets for therapeutic intervention.
Burghardt PB, Flagel SB, Burghardt K, Britton S, Koch L, Watson SJ, & Akil H. (2011). Risk-assessment and coping strategies segregate with divergent intrinsic aerobic capacity in rats. Neuropsychopharmacology, 36(2):390-401.
Metabolic function is integrally related to an individual's susceptibility to, and progression of, disease. Selective breeding for intrinsic treadmill running in rats has produced distinct lines of high- or low-capacity runners (HCR and LCR, respectively) that exhibit numerous physiological differences. To date, the role of intrinsic aerobic capacity on behavior and stress response in these rats has not been addressed and was the focus of these studies. HCR and LCR rats did not differ in their locomotor response to novelty or behavior in the light/dark box. In contrast, immobility in the forced swim test was higher in LCR rats compared with HCR rats, regardless of desipramine treatment. Although both HCR and LCR rats responded to cat odor with decreased exploration and increased risk assessment, HCR rats showed greater contextual conditioning to cat odor. HCR rats exhibited higher expression of corticotropin-releasing hormone in the central nucleus of the amygdala, as well as heavier adrenal and thymus weight. Corticosterone was comparable among HCR and LCR rats at light/dark transitions, and in response to unavoidable cat odor. HCR rats, however, exhibited a greater corticosterone response following the light/dark box. These experiments show that the LCR phenotype associates with decreased risk assessment in response to salient danger signals and passive coping. In contrast, HCR rats show a more naturalistic strategy in that they employ active coping and a more vigilant and cautious response to environmental novelty and salient danger signals. Within this context, we propose that intrinsic aerobic capacity is a central feature mechanistically linking complex metabolic disease and behavior.
Flagel SB, Clark JJ, Robinson TE, Mayo L, Czuj A, Willuhn I, Akers CA, Clinton SM, Phillips PEM, & Akil H. (2011). A selective role for dopamine in stimulus-reward learning. Nature, 469(7328), 53-7.
Individuals make choices and prioritize goals using complex processes that assign value to rewards and associated stimuli. During Pavlovian learning, previously neutral stimuli that predict rewards can acquire motivational properties, becoming attractive and desirable incentive stimuli. However, whether a cue acts solely as a predictor of reward, or also serves as an incentive stimulus, differs between individuals. Thus, individuals vary in the degree to which cues bias choice and potentially promote maladaptive behaviour. Here we use rats that differ in the incentive motivational properties they attribute to food cues to probe the role of the neurotransmitter dopamine in stimulus–reward learning. We show that intact dopamine transmission is not required for all forms of learning in which reward cues become effective predictors. Rather, dopamine acts selectively in a form of stimulus–reward learning in which incentive salience is assigned to reward cues. In individuals with a propensity for this form of learning, reward cues come to powerfully motivate and control behaviour. This work provides insight into the neurobiology of a form of stimulus–reward learning that confers increased susceptibility to disorders of impulse control.
Flagel SB, Robinson TE, Clark JJ, Clinton SM, Watson SJ, Seeman P, Phillips PE, & Akil H. (2010). An animal model of genetic vulnerability to behavioral disinhibition and responsiveness to reward-related cues: Implications for addiction. Neuropsychopharmacology, 35(2):388-400.
Rats selectively bred based on high or low reactivity to a novel environment were characterized for other behavioral and neurobiological traits thought to be relevant to addiction vulnerability. The two lines of animals, which differ in their propensity to self-administer drugs, also differ in the value they attribute to cues associated with reward, in impulsive behavior, and in their dopamine system. When a cue was paired with food or cocaine reward bred high-responder rats (bHRs) learned to approach the cue, whereas bred low-responder rats (bLRs) learned to approach the location of food delivery, suggesting that bHRs but not bLRs attributed incentive value to the cue. Moreover, although less impulsive on a measure of ‘impulsive choice’, bHRs were more impulsive on a measure of ‘impulsive action’— ie, they had difficulty withholding an action to receive a reward, indicative of ‘behavioral disinhibition’. The dopamine agonist quinpirole caused greater psychomotor activation in bHRs relative to bLRs, suggesting dopamine supersensitivity. Indeed, relative to bLRs, bHRs also had a greater proportion of dopamine D2high receptors, the functionally active form of the receptor, in the striatum, in spite of lower D2 mRNA levels and comparable total D2 binding. In addition, fast-scan cyclic voltammetry revealed that bHRs had more spontaneous dopamine ‘release events’ in the core of the nucleus accumbens than bLRs. Thus, bHRs exhibit parallels to ‘externalizing disorders’ in humans, representing a genetic animal model of addiction vulnerability associated with a propensity to attribute incentive salience to reward-related cues, behavioral disinhibition, and increased dopaminergic ‘tone.’
Flagel SB, Akil H, & Robinson TE. (2009). Individual differences in the attribution of incentive salience to reward-related cues: Implications for addiction. Neuropharmacology, 56(S1):139-148.
Drugs of abuse acquire different degrees of control over thoughts and actions based not only on the effects of drugs themselves, but also on predispositions of the individual. Those individuals who become addicted are unable to shift their thoughts and actions away from drugs and drug-associated stimuli. Thus in addicts, exposure to places or things (cues) that has been previously associated with drug-taking often instigates renewed drug-taking. We and others have postulated that drug-associated cues acquire the ability to maintain and instigate drug-taking behavior in part because they acquire incentive motivational properties through Pavlovian (stimulus–stimulus) learning. In the case of compulsive behavioral disorders, including addiction, such cues may be attributed with pathological incentive value (“incentive salience”). For this reason, we have recently begun to explore individual differences in the tendency to attribute incentive salience to cues that predict rewards. When discrete cues are associated with the non-contingent delivery of food or drug rewards some animals come to quickly approach and engage the cue even if it is located at a distance from where the reward will be delivered. In these animals the reward-predictive cue itself becomes attractive, eliciting approach towards it, presumably because it is attributed with incentive salience. Animals that develop this type of conditional response are called “sign-trackers”. Other animals, “goal-trackers”, do not approach the reward-predictive cue, but upon cue presentation they immediately go to the location where food will be delivered (the “goal”). For goal-trackers the reward-predictive cue is not attractive, presumably because it is not attributed with incentive salience. We review here preliminary data suggesting that these individual differences in the tendency to attribute incentive salience to cues predictive of reward may confer vulnerability or resistance to compulsive behavioral disorders, including addiction. It will be important, therefore, to study how environmental, neurobiological and genetic interactions determine the extent to which individuals attribute incentive value to reward-predictive stimuli.
Robinson TE & Flagel SB. (2009). Dissociating the predictive and incentive motivational properties of reward-related cues through the study of individual differences. Biological Psychiatry, 65(10):869-873.
If presentation of a stimulus (conditional stimulus, CS) reliably predicts delivery of a reward, the CS will come to evoke a conditional response (CR) through Pavlovian learning, and the CS may also acquire incentive motivational properties. Thus, CSs can have both predictive and incentive properties. We ask here whether it is possible to dissociate the predictive versus incentive properties of a CS in rats by considering individual differences in the nature of the CR.
Turner CA, Capriles N, Flagel SB, Perez JA, Clinton SM, Watson SJ, & Akil H. (2009). Neonatal FGF2 alters cocaine self-administration in the adult rat. Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Behavior, 92(1):100-104.
The neurobiological bases of increased vulnerability to substance abuse remain obscure. We report here that rats that were selectively bred for greater drug-seeking behavior exhibited higher levels of FGF2 gene expression. We then asked whether a single FGF2 administration (20 ng/g, s.c.) on postnatal day 2 (PND2) can have a lifelong impact on drug-taking behavior, spatial and appetitive learning and the dopaminergic system. Indeed, early life FGF2 enhanced the acquisition of cocaine self-administration in adulthood. However, early life FGF2 did not alter spatial or operant learning in adulthood. Furthermore, early life FGF2 did not alter gene expression in the dopaminergic system in adulthood. These results suggest that elevated levels of FGF2 may lead to increased drug-taking behavior without altering learning. Thus, FGF2 may be an antecedent of vulnerability for drug-taking behavior and may provide clues to novel therapeutic approaches for the treatment of addiction.
Turner CA, Flagel SB, Clinton SM, Akil H, & Watson SJ. (2008). Cocaine interacts with the novelty-seeking trait to modulate FGFR1 gene expression in the rat. Neuroscience Letters, 446(2-3):105-107.
The present study sought to determine the interaction between the novelty-seeking trait and cocaine treatment on gene expression in the fibroblast growth factor (FGF) system. Specifically, we assessed the regulation of FGFR1 in response to cocaine in animals that were selectively bred on the basis of their locomotor response to a novel environment. High-responder (HR) rats are those that exhibit increased locomotor response and exploratory behavior in a novel environment and low-responder (LR) rats are those that exhibit lower levels of exploratory behavior and are less active. Both phenotypes received daily injections of either cocaine (15 mg/kg, i.p.) or saline for 7 consecutive days. Animals were sacrificed 45 min following their last injection and FGFR1 gene expression was assessed in the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex by mRNA in situ hybridization. HR-bred rats exhibited increased FGFR1 mRNA in the hippocampus compared to LR-bred rats. Furthermore, cocaine decreased FGFR1 mRNA in the hippocampus and increased FGFR1 mRNA in the prefrontal cortex. Finally, HR and LR rats differed in their response to cocaine between brain regions. In the hippocampus, cocaine decreased gene expression in HR-bred rats without affecting LR-bred rats, whereas in the prefrontal cortex cocaine increased gene expression in LR-bred rats without affecting HR-bred rats. These results suggest that cocaine interacts with the novelty-seeking trait to alter gene expression. Thus, the FGF system may contribute to individual differences in the response to drugs of abuse.
Briand LA, Flagel SB, Garcia-Fuster MJ, Watson SJ, Akil H, Sarter M, & Robinson TE. (2008). Persistent alterations in cognitive function and prefrontal dopamine D2 receptors following extended, but not limited, access to self-administered cocaine. Neuropsychopharmacology, 33(12):2969-2980.
Drug addicts have deficits in frontocortical function and cognition even long after the discontinuation of drug use. It is not clear, however, whether the cognitive deficits are a consequence of drug use, or are present prior to drug use, and thus are a potential predisposing factor for addiction. To determine if self-administration of cocaine is capable of producing long-lasting alterations in cognition, rats were allowed access to cocaine for either 1 h/day (short access, ShA) or 6 h/day (long access, LgA) for 3 weeks. Between 1 and 30 days after the last self-administration session, we examined performance on a cognitively demanding test of sustained attention that requires an intact medial prefrontal cortex. The expression levels of dopamine D1 and D2 receptor mRNA and D2 protein in the prefrontal cortex were also examined. Early after discontinuation of drug use, LgA (but not ShA) animals were markedly impaired on the sustained attention task. Although the LgA animals improved over time, they continued to show a persistent pattern of performance deficits indicative of a disruption of cognitive flexibility up to 30 days after the discontinuation of drug use. This was accompanied by a significant decrease in DA D2 (but not D1) mRNA in the medial and orbital prefrontal cortex, and D2 receptor protein in the medial prefrontal cortex of LgA (but not ShA) animals. These findings establish that repeated cocaine use is capable of producing persistent alterations in the prefrontal cortex and in cognitive function, and illustrate the usefulness of extended access self-administration procedures for studying the neurobiology of addiction.
Briand LA, Flagel SB, Seeman P, & Robinson TE. (2008). Cocaine self-administration produces a persistent increase in dopamine D2high receptors. European Neuropsychopharmacology, 18(8):551-556.
Cocaine addicts are reported to have decreased numbers of striatal dopamine D2 receptors. However, in rodents, repeated cocaine administration consistently produces hypersensitivity to the psychomotor activating effects of both indirect dopamine agonists, such as cocaine itself, and importantly, to direct-acting D2 receptor agonists. The current study reports a possible resolution to this long-standing paradox. The dopamine D2 receptor exists in both a low and a high-affinity state, and dopamine exerts its effects via the more functionally relevant high-affinity D2 receptor (D2High). We report here that cocaine self-administration experience produces a large (approximately 150%) increase in the proportion of D2High receptors in the striatum with no change in the total number of D2 receptors, and this effect is evident both 3 and 30 days after the discontinuation of cocaine self-administration. Changes in D2High receptors would not be evident with the probes used in human (and non-human primate) imaging studies. We suggest, therefore, that cocaine addicts and animals previously treated with cocaine may be hyper-responsive to dopaminergic drugs in part because an increase in D2High receptors results in dopamine supersensitivity. This may also help explain why stimuli that increase dopamine neurotransmission, including drugs themselves, are so effective in producing relapse in individuals with a history of exposure to cocaine.
Flagel SB, Watson SJ, Akil H, & Robinson TE. (2008). Individual differences in the attribution of incentive salience to a reward-related cue: Influence on cocaine sensitization. Behavioural Brain Research, 186(1):48-56.
When a discrete cue (a “sign”) is presented repeatedly in anticipation of a food reward the cue can become imbued with incentive salience, leading some animals to approach and engage it, a phenomenon known as “sign-tracking” (the animals are sign-trackers; STs). In contrast, other animals do not approach the cue, but upon cue presentation go to the location where food will be delivered (the goal). These animals are known as goal-trackers (GTs). It has been hypothesized that individuals who attribute excessive incentive salience to reward-related cues may be especially vulnerable to develop compulsive behavioral disorders, including addiction. We were interested, therefore, in whether individual differences in the propensity to sign-track are associated with differences in responsivity to cocaine. Using an autoshaping procedure in which lever (conditioned stimulus) presentation was immediately followed by the response-independent delivery of a food pellet (unconditioned stimulus), rats were first characterized as STs or GTs and subsequently studied for the acute psychomotor response to cocaine and the propensity for cocaine-induced psychomotor sensitization. We found that GTs were more sensitive than STs to the acute locomotor activating effects of cocaine, but STs showed a greater propensity for psychomotor sensitization upon repeated treatment. These data suggest that individual differences in the tendency to attribute incentive salience to a discrete reward-related cue, and to approach and engage it, are associated with susceptibility to a form of cocaine-induced plasticity that may contribute to the development of addiction.
Flagel SB & Robinson TE. (2007). Quantifying the psychomotor activating effects of cocaine in the rat. Behavioural Pharmacology, 18(4):297-302.
Studies that involve analysis of the psychomotor activating effects of drugs often use locomotor activity as the sole measure of psychomotor activation. At low doses, psychostimulant drugs typically produce primarily locomotor hyperactivity. As dose is increased, behavior, however, changes in complex ways, in part because of a transition to behavior progressively dominated by more and more stereotyped actions, such as repetitive head movements. Thus, at some doses an increase in a drug effect is reflected by an increase in locomotion and at others by a decrease, making the interpretation of changes in locomotor activity difficult. Using an automated video analysis system (Clever Sys., Inc. Reston, Virginia, USA), we quantified various components of the psychomotor response to cocaine in the rat, including locomotor activity and lateral head movements, as well as the velocity and/or frequency of these behaviors. We report that the combination of these measures provides an especially sensitive measure of the psychomotor activating effects of cocaine, and how behavior changes as a consequence of repeated drug treatment.
Flagel SB, Watson SJ, Robinson TE, & Akil H. (2007). Individual differences in the propensity to approach signals vs. goals promote different adaptations in the dopamine system of rats. Psychopharmacology (Berl), 191(3):599-607.
The way an individual responds to cues associated with rewards may be a key determinant of vulnerability to compulsive behavioral disorders. We studied individual differences in Pavlovian conditioned approach behavior and examined the expression of neurobiological markers associated with the dopaminergic system, the same neural system implicated in incentive motivational processes.
Flagel SB, Vázquez DM, & Robinson TE. (2003). Manipulations during the second, but not the first, week of life increase susceptibility to cocaine self-administration in female rats. Neuropsychopharmacology, 28(10):1741-1751.
We compared the effects of manipulations during week 1 vs week 2 of life on the propensity to self-administer cocaine. Pups received daily subcutaneous saline injections, were handled briefly, or remained undisturbed during their respective treatment periods. Animals handled during the second week of life exhibited increased locomotor response to novelty when tested on postnatal day (PND) 48, compared to all other groups. Rats were implanted with jugular catheters on PND 70 and then given the opportunity to self-administer (0.125 mg/kg/infusion) cocaine for 5 consecutive days (1 h sessions). The dose was then raised to 0.25 mg/kg/infusion for 5 days and to 0.5 mg/kg/infusion for the final 5 days of testing. Only animals manipulated during the second week of life acquired drug-taking behavior. These effects were both stimulus- and gender-specific. Females handled during the second week of life acquired cocaine self-administration (SA) at the lowest dose, and females injected during the second week of life acquired at the intermediate dose. Males injected during the second week of life showed a similar, but more variable, drug-taking pattern. There were no group differences in serum corticosterone response to novelty, although relative to undisturbed animals and those manipulated in the first week of life, female animals manipulated during the second week of life had lower basal expression of hippocampal glucocorticoid receptor mRNA in adulthood. We conclude that the second week of life in the rodent is a sensitive period during which manipulations result in a more vulnerable phenotype for the acquisition of cocaine SA.
Flagel SB, Neal CR Jr., Vázquez DM, & Watson SJ Jr. (2002). Effects of tapering neonatal dexamethasone on rat growth, neurodevelopment, and stress response. American Journal of Physiology: Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 282(1).
Dexamethasone is commonly used to lessen the morbidity of chronic lung disease in premature infants, but little is known regarding neurological consequences of its prolonged use. To study neurological effects of dexamethasone, we have developed a rat model in which newborn pups are exposed to tapering doses of dexamethasone at a time corresponding neurodevelopmentally to human exposure in the neonatal intensive care unit. On postnatalday (PD) 2, litters were divided into three groups: 1) handled controls, 2) saline-injected animals, and 3) animals injected with tapering doses of intramuscular dexamethasone between PD 3 and6. Somatic growth and brain weight were decreased in dexamethasone-treated animals. Dexamethasone-treated animals demonstrated delays in gross neurological development on PD 7 and 14 but not PD 20. In late adolescence (PD 33), dexamethasone-treated animals were less active in light and dark environments, while demonstrating a blunted serum corticosterone response to a novel stress. The dissociation between behavioral and hormonal stress responsiveness suggests that neonatal dexamethasone exposure permanently alters central nervous system function, particularly within the neuroendocrine stress axis. This may lead to increased risk for learning impairment and maladaptive responses to the environment.
Liberzon I, Abelson JL, Flagel SB, Raz J, &Young EA. (1999). Neuroendocrine and psychophysiologic responses in PTSD: Symptom provocation studies. Neuropsychopharmacology, 21(1):40-50.
Biological research on post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) has focused on autonomic, sympatho-adrenal, and hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis systems. Interactions among these response modalities have not been well studied and may be illuminating. We examined subjective, autonomic, adrenergic, and HPA axis responses in a trauma-cue paradigm and explored the hypothesis that the ability of linked stress-response systems to mount integrated responses to environmental threat would produce strong correlations across systems. Seventeen veterans with PTSD, 11 veteran controls without PTSD, and 14 nonveteran controls were exposed to white noise and combat sounds on separate days. Subjective distress, heart rate, skin conductance, plasma catecholamines, ACTH, and cortisol, at baseline and in response to the auditory stimuli, were analyzed for group differences and for patterns of interrelationships. PTSD patients exhibited higher skin conductance, heart rate, plasma cortisol, and catecholamines at baseline, and exaggerated responses to combat sounds in skin conductance, heart rate, plasma epinephrine, and norepinephrine, but not ACTH. The control groups did not differ on any measure. In canonical correlation analyses, no significant correlations were found between response systems. Thus, PTSD patients showed heightened responsivity to trauma-related cues in some, but not all, response modalities. The data did not support the integrated, multisystem stress response in PTSD that had been hypothesized. Individual response differences or differing pathophysiological processes may determine which neurobiological system is affected in any given patient.
Liberzon I, Lopez J, Vázquez D, Flagel SB, & Young EA. (1999). Differential regulation of hippocampal glucocorticoid receptors and negative feedback: Relevance to post-traumatic stress disorder. Journal of Neuroendocrinology, 11(1):11-17.
Hippocampal glucocorticoid receptors (GR and MR) play an important role in glucocorticoid negative feedback. Abnormalities in negative feedback are found in depression and in post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), suggesting that GR and MR might be involved in the pathophysiology of these disorders. Enhanced negative feedback, the PTSD-specific neuroendocrine abnormality, can be induced in animals using a single prolonged stress (SPS) paradigm (a number of different stressors in one prolonged session, ‘no stress’ interval and a testing session one week later). In the current study, we examined hippocampal GR and MR mRNA distribution in the same animals that exhibited altered negative feedback following the SPS. Seven groups of adult Sprague-Dawley male rats (seven animals each) were used in two studies, comparing unstressed controls to acutely stressed animals (SPS: 24 h group), SPS animals (seven and 14 days), and SPS+chronic stress animals. GR and MR mRNA distribution across hippocampal subfields was studied using in-situ hybridization with 35S-labelled cRNA probes. Acute stress produced down-regulation of GR and MR mRNA across all hippocampal subfields. Seven days later (SPS-7 group), there was a differential recovery, with GR mRNA reaching higher than the prestress levels, and MR mRNA remaining down-regulated. The same differential regulation was present in the 14-day group. Chronically stressed animals that exhibited normal fast feedback also had normalization in their GR and MR mRNA levels. The MR/GR ratio was decreased only in animals that had enhanced fast feedback. These findings suggest that the increase in GR, in hippocampus is involved in the fast feedback hypersensitivity observed in the SPS animals, and might also underlie enhanced dexamethasone sensitivity found in PTSD. Since differential activation of GR and MR can modulate memory, behavioural responsivity, anxiety and fear, change in MR/GR ratio might also explain other PTSD-related phenomena.